Consequence of lack of knowledge pertaining to moral values and spiritual practice

In our secular set-up, which should rather be called as Dharmadrohi set-up  (anti-Dharma), students are regularly imparted sex education as part of their syllabus; but the knowledge pertaining to moral values and spiritual practice to acquire control over the sexual desire is not imparted. Hence, if today the modesty of women is being abused all over the country, where is the surprise! A society that does not adhere Dharma in its day-to-day life, in such a society, the behaviour of the society is even more abominable than that of the animals, as the animals copulate during breeding season only but in a so called secular society like ours, the honour of mentally challenged women, widows, old women and even girl child is being abused in a remorseless and inhuman manner. Certainly, such detestable and condemnable incidents are announcing the arrival of the period of devastation, when Mahakaali in Her Maarak Avatar (destructive incarnation) will annihilate the evil ones for sure ! – Tanuja Thakur

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