
The mind engrossed in Brahmanand can never feel lonely

Few days before I met an ashram administrator adorned in white robe and he after seeing and observing me for sometime , offered me to take care of the entire ashram worth rupees a billion atleast he was looking after as he wanted to go back abroad , by guru’s grace through my sublte senses […]

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Spirtual practice according to spiritual level

Saints prescribe Sadhana for us according to our spiritual ability. This is known as Sadhana as per spiritual level. I would like to recount one inspiring incidents in this context. Once a saint was passing through a cremation ground, along with his disciples. One person was bitterly crying over the remains of his father’s pyre. […]

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The real bliss

The real bliss lies in sacrifice and not in indulgence !!-Tanuja Thakur  

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Absolute knowledge is beyond words!

Let us see who does not possess a thirst for dnyan? (i)  Egoistic people, for they feel that they possess immense knowledge. (ii) Self-realised saints, progressing towards Absoluteness(purnatva), lose all interest in acquiring knowledge imparted through words, for they begin to derive bliss from a state of Paramshanti(state of Absolute peace which is beyond word […]

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What benefits accrue by observing fasts during Chaturmas?

The intensity of attacks of negative energy gets reduced. During the rainy season, the sun’s rays come in the form of the tejtattva (fire element) in a lesser measure. For this reason, the attacks by negative energies increase. Of the diseases that spread during Chaturmas, 70% of the diseases are caused due to negative energies […]

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How can I find out the name of my kuldevta (family deity ) ?

To find out the name of the family deity – 1.  You can ask the elderly people of your native village 2. You can ask the people with the same gotra and same surname 3. You can ask your village priest or the kulpurohit (the family priest) 4. If even then you r not able to find out […]

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My Shreeguru is the manifestation of Absolute knowledge for me

Why do I read all the articles that is repeated by you and I still gt bliss out of it ? – a common question asked by few of my fb friends in my inbox A. The base of my every post is the spiritual science written by my Shreeguru His Holiness Dr. Jayant Balaji […]

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Meeting at Swami Ram Ashram

Yesterday evening will be a memorable day of my life . In my college days I had read Himalayan Master by Swami Ram and had started adoring Him although had a lot of queries regarding the same, but felt like a dream come true when I got the chance to meet the seekers there and […]

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Four classes of Men

All men are by no means on the same level. It is said that there are four classes of men: the bound, the struggling, the liberated, and the ever-free. It is also not a fact that all men have to practise spiritual discipline. There are the ever-free and those who achieve perfection through spiritual discipline. […]

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