Why politics should be Dharma based ?

Few people say that Dharma and politics should kept apart from each other. But the truth is that only the politics based upon Dharma grants internal and exterior security to a nation,thus enabling, kids, old aged people and women of that nation to to be able to move around fearlessly, even at mid night and when a nation is that strong, then, enemy countries can not dare to cross borders of such a nation even in their dreams and another added benefit is that people of such a nation also practice Dharma (righteousness) because they follow footsteps of their rulers,which in turn feeds it society with higher moral values and that ultimately leads to a rule of law which is equivalent to Ram-rajya.
But politics,when devoid of Dharma enables people of demonic nature to usurp power by hook or crook, to leave society feeling insecure. When enemy across the border mainly the neighbouring countries see the incapability of the rulers of a nation to provide security to its own civilians,then they start encroaching upon lands of such a nation by crossing borders every now and then. In such a scenario, people of such a nation also feels encouraged to commit unlawfull deeds, when they watch their wicked ruler getting honored(with red beaconed car and z category security cover). And situation worsens to the extent,where not only both ruler and people are guilty of sinning but that nation also gets destroyed in a very short time. And you have been watching all this stuff happening in this very secular country of ours. So it is very clear that we are marching towards self-destruction.
Only politic system and national governance system based upon the principals of Sanatan Dharma alone can lead to all round development of our nation and this is an everlasting truth.
Last but not the least, there exists only one Dharma in whole universe and that is swayambhu Sanatan dharma and rest all are only cults or man made sects. And all the countries where politics and governance is based upon principals of a sect, there  Adharma prevails and the Tam component predominates. – Tanuja Thakur

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