
Remembering the Guru (Gurusmaran) and the Guru are not distinct from each other.

Gurusmaran is memory of the Guru’s physical (sagun) form. Remembering The God’s Name (Namasmaran) bestowed by the Guru is a form of the Guru’s unmanifest (nirgun) form which in a way assists in the attainment of the unmanifest form of the Guru. Hence, He who remembers the Guru dearly is worthy of worship in the […]

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What is Sattva, Raja and Tama?

What is Sattva (spiritually pure sublte component), raja and tama (spiritually impure subtle component)? What are the benefits of increased sattva component? The three subtle basic components of sattva, raja and tama are the very fabric of creation. Unknown to modern sciences, they permeate through all living and non-living, tangible and intangible things. According to […]

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Why should we try to lead a sattvik lifestyle ?

If we lead a sattvik lifestyle then we can spiritually progress faster and after a certain spiritual level our combination of sattva , raja and tama start decreasing and we move towards trigunateet state , hence Hindu dharma emphasises on  leading  a sattvik lifestyle ! -Tanuja Thakur

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Benefits of Prayer

What are the benefits of prayer? 1.) Enhances the potency of chanting the Name of God: A seeker chants the Name of God with the aim of realising God. Only if accompanied by intense motivation for God realisation and spiritual emotion will the Name repeated (chanted) be truly effective. Repeated prayers about being graced with […]

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Diet of the sense organs, mind and intellect

According to the Vedas, the word ‘ahar (nourishment)’ is used in a very broad sense. Every sense organ of the body has its specific ahar. Seeing objects or vision is considered as ahar for the eyes, hearing for the ears, sensation of touch for the skin, smell for the nose and taste for the tongue.The […]

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Who is a seeker ?

Let me narrate another incident in context of these children One day, we were travelling by a four-wheeler vehicle from one part of the city to another and our entire platoon was with us too. One child had devised a very good way of inviting other children to Baal Sanskar Varg (workshop pertaining to values […]

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Who is a seeker ?

Who is a seeker ? Some incidents reflecting the Sadhakatv (seekerhood) of child seekers. While doing Dharma Prasaar Seva, whichever district I lived in, mainly children and youth would enthusiastically become my associates in Gurukaarya (mission of my Guru). Today, I would like to share some interesting anecdotes pertaining to their seekerhood with you. In […]

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Qualified chanting for faster spiritual progress and to combat negative energies’ distress

There are 33 kotis of deities in Hindu Dharma. It is not easy for us to know who should be worshipped, or which deities’ Naam Jap(chanting) will ensure faster spiritual progress. If we have received a Guru Mantra from a saint or a Guru, we should do that chanting. If not, one should not try […]

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Simple tips to reduce Ego

  • Ego is akin to the weeds in a field .Untill the weeds are totally uprooted totally , one cannot cultivate a good crop. The weeds have to be trimmed constantly. Similarly its nots possible to acquire the God’s grace without complete dissolution of ego ! – Paratpar Guru Dr. Jayant Athavale • Rather […]

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