Who is a seeker ?

Let me narrate another incident in context of these children
One day, we were travelling by a four-wheeler vehicle from one part of the city to another and our entire platoon was with us too. One child had devised a very good way of inviting other children to Baal Sanskar Varg (workshop pertaining to values for children). I did not know who had devised the plan. I asked everyone, “Who had chalked out that idea of Prasar? One girl child seeker blurted out, “Didi, I had thought of it.” I was about to say something when another child seeker said, “Now, God cannot get anything else done through you, you have developed an ego!!!” Listening to their conversation, even before saying anything, I started laughing and all of us burst out laughing together. The girl seeker got ashamed and after some time, said, “Didi, God had suggested this plan to me, this is how I should have put it, right ?”
I will cite a third incident, with relation to the same group
Summer vacations were on and a book fair was getting organised in Dhanbad. I asked all the children, “Would anyone of you like to go for this Seva, for I was thinking of putting up an exhibition of the books authored by our Shree Guru during the book fair.” Three seekers of Class XI said that they would do the Seva by taking up all the responsibilities. I felt very happy and explained to them all the aspects of the Seva and as these child seekers had already performed the Seva of distribution of books with us at book exhibitions in few temples; hence, they had experience, more or less, of the same. I had several Seva pertaining to Gurupournima with me. On the first day of the week-long book fair, I could reach the book fair only at 6.00 p.m and saw that our ‘young army’ had been holding the fort with extreme efficiency. So much so, that those manning the nearby stalls started saying, ‘Didi, your children are highly trained and intelligent, even the boys at our stalls cannot look after the stalls so nicely.” Our children would even announce the special features of the book over the microphone from time to time to attrat the crowd in their stall. I got a bit carefree and due to my preoccupation with other Seva, could visit the book fair again only on the fourth day at around 4.00 p.m. On reaching there, I saw that due to scorching heat, none of the book stalls had opened their exhibition rooms and all were sitting inside their stalls, only our exhibition room was not only open in the entire field, but four child seekers were standing in the sun, sweating profusely, with the sun’s rays burning down upon them. Seeing their condition, I became very worried and said, “It is so hot and no one has opened the exhibition room, why have you people opened it? You should have opened it after half an hour, when the heat would be a bit less. The seeker to whom this responsibility had been entrusted very simply said, “They have put up the exhibition to earn money and we have done so to earn Gurukrupa (the grace of a spiritual master) ! Who knows, His Holiness Gurudev might come here in any form and if He finds our stall closed, we will remain deprived of his grace; that is why all of us thought that we will start the Seva on the time that has been decided for the exhibition ” and all the associate Sadhaks agreed with their head. I was so overpowered with affection seeing the innocence and Bhav of those young obedient seekers that I don’t have words to express my feelings. I immediately brought a bedsheet from a seeker nearby, and first of all, arranged for some shade there and also arranged for some favourite eatables of the children, for looking at their Seva Bhav (spiritual emotion for doing service) that was all I could have done at that time! A big book publisher from Delhi, who was right opposite us, “It seems, you have trained these children right from their infancy.” I said, “No brother, it has been only four-five months, since I have been introduced to these children.” He said, “Then, it must be said that the disciple has surpassed the Guru (Master). After some time, I was transferred and those children too went away to bigger cities for studies and I lost contact with them. Today, all these seekers are manning high posts in top companies and when some of these children met me on Facebook after several years, not even one greeted me with a “Hi”. All of them started the conversation by asking me, “Pranaam Didi, how are you?” It is true that none of the children is bad, only we are not able to give them a grounding in our cultural values.

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