
O Womenfolk! Get training to defend yourself !

• O Womenfolk! Be prepared to defend yourself ! That period was a different one when God Shree Ram got a bridge constructed over the ocean by the monkeys to annihilate Ravan to punish him for abducting His wife! A majority of menfolk today can only express their ostensible anguish on the atrocities done on […]

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Today’s Political leaders

• During ancient times the Kings used to strictly follow the tenets of Sanatan Dharma kings,they would perform Ashwamedha Yadnya (Horse sacrifice) thereby hoisting the flag of the Vedic empire throughout the world and on the other hand, are today’s political leaders, who drumbeat secularism, but cannot come out of the illusory trap of a […]

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Rulers are busy in appeasing

 The task of providing Dharma Shikshan to 90 crore Hindus is the responsibility of the rulers; but they do not get time from accumulating money in Swiss banks for themselves and appeasing followers of other religions; hence, we  Hindus would have to take the initiative of learning and teaching Dharma -Tanuja Thakur

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Why is a Dharma based revolution needed for a systematic change ?

• One of my reader of my articles has asked, why is a Kranti (revolution) needed for a systematic change ? Can’t we change the mindset of the evil-doers with love and understanding ? The answer is very simple. Didn’t God Ram and God Shree Krushna try to convince Ravana and Duryodhana lovingly ? What […]

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Change the parameters of resistance

During the present times, some people and a few organisations undertake a fast-unto-death to oppose some immoral principles and acts of corruption of Rashtradrohis (those against the nation) and Dharmadrohis (the unrighteous ones) through peaceful means!! Expressing one’s views through peaceful means is the tool of protest in a civilised society; but when you have […]

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The reason for downfall of Kshatriyas (warrior class)

Since the day the Kshatriyas (warrior class) learnt the lesson of so-called non-violence (it started from the time Buddha), external marauders developed a desire to establish dominance over our country and for thousands of years someone or the other has been ruling over us. Today’s corrupt politicians, hoodlums and leaders of an impotent nature have […]

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Possiblility of terrorsit attck during Ganeshotsav – vigilance dept.

Even after 65 years of independence, India is a nation living under the threat of terror Be it any prominent festival of the Hindus, any religious celebration, any pilgrimage, any national festival, the terrorist-cum government’s son-in-law do not forget to send their love-letter, implying that all the functions are held under the threat of terror. […]

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Today’s hindutvawadi lack the knowledge about Hindu Dharma

• Call it the irony of the country that the knowledge of several Hindutvavadi leaders on Hindutva and spirituality is nearly negligible; hence, many a time, their statements pose a question mark on their being a Hindu, being Hindutvavaadi is a far-fetched proposition.- Tanuja Thakur

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Special message from the scriptures for our corrupt politicians

• The treasury of a king is meant for protection of the army, subjects and Righteousness(dharma) . If used for these it will prove beneficial. On the other hand, if misused it proves disastrous. If the king use the royal treasury for his wife and children and to fulfill his own sensual pursuits it will […]

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