Quotes of Paratpar Guru Dr. Jayant Athavale

Preeti-A Divine Virtue for the Seekers

Some people feel that they have sacrificed their body, mind and wealth; hence, their spiritual progress will certainly take place.  They will have to keep in mind that merely sacrificing body, mind and wealth is not enough, but the divine virtue of Preeti (absolute love) too must be there.   Sacrifice reduces the attachment towards Maya […]

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Karya for Dharma

“Hindus, take a firm decision to perform karya for Dharma throughout life!” –  Paratpar Guru   Dr. Jayant Balaji Athavale

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Difference between donation made for Spiritual Cause to Saints and Social Cause.

What is the difference between offering money for a social cause and for spiritual cause to saints ? The offering should always be to the Absolute Truth not to a beggar, hospital, school, etc. from the Great Illusion. It should always be to the ‘deserving’, (sat patre danam) that is ‘to the one worthy of it’. […]

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Attaining Oneness with God through Chanting

When one is adopted, he has to leave the old name behind and take on a new one . Any property that he is to inherit can be acquired using only his new name.. Similarly to get the grace of God one must leave behind his own name(ego) and take on the God’s Name(chant).One has […]

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Secularism can be destroyed through Samashti Sadhna

If Adharmi (sinful and secular) State rulers have to be thrown out of power, God will have to be pleased through Samashti Sadhana (spiritual practice at societal level) and entreaties for a Hindu rashtra will have to be made to Him, only then, Tamogun,  the root cause of all problems, , will be destroyed ! – Paratpar […]

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Stages of falling in spiritual love with the Guru

Stages of falling in spiritual love with the Guru A. Feeling like looking at the Guru all the time. B. Feeling like staring at the Guru’s photograph. C. Feeling like living with the Guru. On account of this love when returning after meeting the Guru, the disciple’s state is akin to that of a daughter […]

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It is ridiculous to say that all religions are equal !

Placing all religions and Sanatan Dharma at par or calling them equal is as ridiculous as saying that a primary student and a graduate are equals ! – Paratpar Guru Dr. Jayant Athavale (11.10. 2013)  

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To attain liberation, it is important for the seeker to pass through all the higher subtle lokas

According to my age, I am experiencing how difficult it is to climb the steps of a staircase, one step by one step, due to old age and fatigue; just think then how difficult would it be to proceed toward the next level of subtle world, stepping into every subtle world and moving on toward […]

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Difference in the energy generated from audible chanting (Vaikhari or verbal) and that of inaudible sound

The difference in the energy generated from audible chanting (Vaikhari or verbal) and that of inaudible sound will be understood from the following example. The radiance generated from chanting in the audible mode for thirty years will suffice to heat one glass of water upto its boiling point. As against this, a mere thirty seconds […]

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