Quotes of Paratpar Guru Dr. Jayant Athavale

Lesser the desires more is the Bliss

The less desires a person has the more enjoyable is his company. Inspite of the desires being present in a subtle form in children they are very lovable. Then why should one consider it impossible for one whose desires have totally been destroyed by The God’s grace to impart Bliss to others when in His […]

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Only Guru in Human Form can Guide us towards Spiritual Progress

Sadguru (spiritual master) always functions with the power of a resolve. With this gift from God, he spiritually lifts a deserving disciple just by a mere thought that his disciple should progress. A seeker or a disciple of spiritual science cannot reach the spiritual level of 70% unless he has the Guru’s grace and is […]

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In Spirituality one can even fall and regress from any spiritual level

Ordinarily the degree  one gets upon the completion of education remains always with him or her.  Only if a lawyer, or a doctor commits an unpardonable sin, is the degree taken away.  However, in spirituality, one can fall and regress even if one is at 60% or 70% spiritual level, or even beyond it. – […]

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God creates the universe and destroys it

Creation, sustenance and dissolution is the nature of God. Just as a spider weaves a web and after sometime destroys it by swallowing it, so also God creates the universe and destroys it. –Paratpar Guru Dr. Jayant Athavale

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Spiritual practice is tougher than other worldly studies

Other than spiritual practice, all other subjects have their respective final exams. It is  enough to study for 2-3 months just before these exams in order to pass. In spiritual practice however we have an exam at every moment. And in order to reach a spiritual level of 60% and more, we have to pass […]

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Synchronising Chanting with Breathing

• Nowadays the environment is polluted with undesirable thoughts, which in turn cause psychological problems as these thoughts enter the mind with each breath. Along with undesirable thoughts other thoughts come to the mind too. When one synchronises chanting with breathing , the proportion of miscellaneous thoughts gets reduced and one has a unique experience. […]

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The uniqueness of Vedic Sanatan Dharma

‘Sadhananam anekta va upasyanaam aniyama’: As the potential of every individual varies hence unlike other religions, Vedic Sanatan Dharma does not recommend only one path, or worship of only one deity ! -Paratpar Guru Dr. Jayant Athavale. Implied Meaning: Every person’s Sanchit (Cumulative karmic deeds of all births), Prarabdh (destiny), Kriyaman (willful actions ), Panch […]

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The harmfull effect of modern science

  The earth was pollution-free for several thousand years and in a matter of just 100 years, science has made it beleaguered with pollution and endangered the life of living beings. – Paratpar Guru  Dr. Jayant  Athavale  

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Importance of Bliss from a Saint

Just as cancer cells are destroyed with certain radiations, so also dissolution of the mind and intellect occurs after exposure to frequencies of Bliss from a saint when in His company for a long time. In other words, the subtle and causal bodies and nescience are destroyed, and the individual experiences inner Bliss ! – […]

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