धॄति: क्षमा दमोऽस्तेयं शौचमिन्द्रियनिग्रह:। धीर्विद्या सत्यमक्रोधो दशकं धर्मलक्षणम्॥ Meaning: There are ten characteristics of ‘Dharma’ – patience, forgiveness, self-control, non- stealing, purity, control of senses, intelligence, knowledge, truth, non-anger.
क्रोधो वैवस्वतो राजा तॄष्णा वैतरणी नदी । विद्या कामदुघा धेनु: सन्तोषो नन्दनं वनम् ॥ Meaning : Anger is like king of death. Greed is like turbulent river of hell. Knowledge is all fulfilling cow and contentment is the heaven’s paradise.
पुस्तकस्था तु या विद्या परहस्तगतं धनं। कार्यकाले समुत्पन्ने न सा विद्या न तद् धनं॥ Meaning: The knowledge lying in the book and the money which is in possession of someone else are of no use as during the time of need they don’t serve their purpose.
उदये सविता रक्तो रक्त:श्चास्तमये तथा । सम्पत्तौ च विपत्तौ च महतामेकरूपता॥ Meaning: The sun looks red while rising and setting. Great men too remain alike in both the good and bad times.
नाभिषेको न संस्कारः सिंहस्य क्रियते वने। विक्रमार्जितसत्वस्य स्वयमेव मृगेन्द्रता॥ Meaning: Nobody declares a lion as the king of forest by coronation or declaring it a King. By sheer might of his own, a lion achieves the status of king of the animal kingdom.
प्रदोषे दीपकश्चंद्र: प्रभाते दीपको रवि:। त्रैलोक्ये दीपको धर्म: सुपुत्र: कुलदीपक:॥ Meaning: Moon illumines the evening. Sun illumines the morning. Dharma illumines all the three worlds and a capable son illumines the entire clan.
प्रदोषे दीपकश्चंद्र: प्रभाते दीपको रवि:। त्रैलोक्ये दीपको धर्म: सुपुत्र: कुलदीपक:॥ Meaning: Moon illumines the evening. Sun illumines the morning. Dharma illumines all the three worlds and a capable son illumines the entire clan.
नाहारं चिन्तयेत् प्राज्ञो धर्ममेकं हि चिन्तयेत् । आहारो हि मनुष्याणां जन्मना सह जायते ।। Meaning: The wise do not think about food, but reflect on dharma alone. (For, they know) food for beings is born along with them.
सन्तोषः परमो लाभः सत्सङ्गः परमा गतिः । विचारः परमं ज्ञानं शमो हि परमं सुखम् ।। Meaning: Contentment is the highest accrual; company of the wise is the best attainment. Discrimination is the paramount form of knowledge; quietude of the mind is the zenith of happiness.