Quotes from Scriptures

Quotes from Scriptures

सुखस्य दु:खस्य न कोऽपि दाता । परो ददाति इति कुबुद्धिरेषा । अहं करोमि इति वृथाभिमान: । स्वकर्मसूत्रै: ग्रथितोऽहि लोक: ।। Meaning: No one can give one happiness or unhappiness. Only the ignorant feel they have acquired happiness or unhappiness because of someone else. Similarly, thinking that one will achieve happiness or get rid of suffering […]

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Quotes from Scriptures

यः पठति लिखति पश्यति  परिपृच्छति पंडितान् उपाश्रयति । तस्य दिवाकरकिरणैः नलिनी , दलं इव विस्तारिता बुद्धिः॥ Meaning : One who reads, writes, sees, inquires, lives in the company of learned, his intellect expands as the lotus petals expands due to the rays of sun.

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Quotes from Scriptures

गते शोको न कर्तव्यो भविष्यं नैव चिन्तयेत् । वर्तमानेन  कालेन वर्तयन्ति विचक्षणाः॥ Meaning: One should not mourn over the past and should not remain worried about the future. The wise live  in present.

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Quotes from Scriptures

गुरु शुश्रूषया विद्या पुष्कलेन् धनेन वा। अथ वा विद्यया विद्या चतुर्थो न उपलभ्यते॥ Meaning: Knowledge is acquired by serving the master or by giving enough money or in exchange of knowledge. A fourth way is not seen.

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Quotes from Scriptures

आयुषः क्षण एकोऽपि सर्वरत्नैर्न न लभ्यते । नीयते स वृथा येन प्रमादः सुमहानहो ॥ Meaning: Even a single second in life cannot be obtained back by all precious jewels. Hence spending it wastefully is a great mistake.

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Quotes from Scriptures

क्षमा बलमशक्तानाम् शक्तानाम् भूषणम् क्षमा । क्षमा वशीकृते लोके क्षमयाः किम् न सिद्ध्यति॥ Meaning: Forgiveness is the power of powerless. Forgiveness adorns the powerful. Forgiveness has controlled this entire world. What cannot be achieved by forgiveness  !

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Quotes from Scriptures

न चोराहार्यम् न च राजहार्यम् , न भ्रातृभाज्यं न च भारकारि। व्यये कृते वर्धत एव नित्यं,  विद्याधनं सर्वधनप्रधानम्॥ Meaning: It cannot be stolen by thieves, nor can it be taken away by kings. It cannot be divided among brothers, It does not cause a load on your shoulders. If spent it keeps growing. The wealth […]

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Quotes from Scriptures

रिक्तपाणीर्नपश्येत राजानं दैवतं गुरुम् | दैवज्ञं पुत्रकं मित्रं फलेन फलमादिशेत् || Meaning: Do not go empty handed to see a king, God, teacher, a learned person, a child or a friend. Invoke fruitfulness with fruit !

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Quotes from Scriptures

न देवा दण्डमादाय रक्षन्ति पशुपालवत् | यं तु रक्षितुमिच्छन्ति बुद्ध्या संविभजन्ति तम् || Meaning: God doesn’t himself take a Stick in his hand to protect someone. But he gives the Intelligence to a person whose safety he wishes, to withstand any attack!

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