How to attract a Jivatma at a good spiritual level into the womb, or after a woman conceives

To attract a Jivatma at a good spiritual level into the womb, or after a woman conceives; try to implement the following points:
(i) Do not allow pictures of dead ancestors in front of a pregnant lady, today a majority of households have Pitru Dosh (curse of the ancestors). If ancestors have not got Gati (momentum) with the photographs becoming a medium, a black covering could be formed around the mind and intellect of the child in the womb, consequently there could be problems for the child since birth.
(ii) Everyday, both husband and wife must surely chant 21 Maalas (rosary of beads) of Shree Guru Dev Dutt and pray to God Dattatreya for a shield around the womb. Rest of the time one can chant Guru Mantra, or mantra of Kuldevta (family deity) or Ishtadevta (adored deity).
(iii) Everyday, the pregnant lady must take a bath mixed with salt-water and Gau mutra (cow’s urine). Everyday, the pregnant lady must dip her feet in salt-water and Gau Mutra twice a day and for more information on this issue, visit:
(iv) Keep the Vaastu (premises) pure. This minimises the possibility of problems caused by negative energies for the expecting mother. For more information, visit this link:

(v) A pregnant lady must never wear black-coloured clothes.
(vi) A pregnant lady must not eat non-vegetarian food and to the extent possible, other members of the household too must not eat non-vegetarian food. Cow’s milk, green vegetables, fruits and other Saatvik (pure) diet must be taken, do not eat food brought from hotel, or tinned food.
(vii) Avoid watching Raj-Tam-predominant programmes on television as much as possible.
(viii) The couple must read a book written by a saint, or a Dharma Grantha (religious scripture) for one hour every day. Listen to Bhajans (devotional songs) and read Sanskrut stotra (Sanskrut verse).
(ix) All the members of the family must take care to see that they keep the mind of a pregnant lady, peaceful and cheerful. It has been found through research that those mothers whose mind was restless during pregnancy, their children had higher proportion of psychological problems in future.
(x) If the wife is pregnant, the husband must totally avoid all kinds of addictions.
(xi) The expecting woman must join all the fingers of the hand together and forming a Nyaas (hand gesture) place the hand three-four inch below the navel, must certainly chant (21 Maalas of) ‘Shree Guru Dev Datt’.
(xii) The husband-wife must make an effort to say the prayer given below to their deity, as much as possible:
• Please teach me to make efforts so that I may be able to do as much Naamjap (chanting) as possible.
• May your Shastras (weapons) form a protective shield around the Vaastu (premises) and our family members and may the protective shield also be formed around the child being nurtured in the womb, please have such grace upon us.
• May all of us do Sadhana constantly and may all of us have a peaceful mind, please bestow such grace on us.
• May you have such grace upon us, so that at the time of the birth of the child, may the negative energies not create any obstacles and everything takes place in an uninterrupted manner.
• Please shower such grace upon me, so that I may be able to apply the spiritual healing remedies regularly.
Spiritual solutions, mean listening to the chanting of Shree Guru Dev Dutt, or listening to audio CDs capable of carrying out other spiritual solutions, doing Nyaas and chanting, taking a bath with salt-water and cow’s urine, dipping the feet in salt-water and cow’s urine. At the time of the birth of the child, praying beforehand, so that the newborn does not have any problems caused by negative energies.
(xiii) Every month, till the child is born, keep aside some money in the name of the child and offer it to a saint. This can protect the child from post-natal problems, side by side, the possibility of medical expenses too gets reduced. Nowadays, there is a severe level Pitru Dosh in a majority of the households and for this reason, negative energies create different kinds of problems during child birth and marriage and thus cause financial losses.
(xiv) Cover the mouth of a utensil with one hand and chant Om Namah Shivaay. After the chanting, pour the energised water in a bottle and fill the bottle with drinking water and put 15 drops of Gaumutra, a pinch of Vibhuti (holy ash) and Tulsdidal (bunch of basil leaves) and let the pregnant lady drink this water. Any member of the family who do not have problems, or have lesser problems should energise the water.
(xv) All the members of the household must make efforts to ensure that there are no problems caused by negative energies in the house. For more information in this context, visit this link –
(xvi) Husband and wife must regularly attend a Satsang conducted by a saint and contribute their mite towards Dharmakaarya (Dharma-related work). Saints possess the capability to bring down a high-level Jivatma upon this Earth.-H.H Tanuja Thakur

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