Some Anubhutis (spiritual experiences) of the Sublte World

Some Anubhutis (spiritual experiences) of the Sublte World

In this series of articles, I would like to share some of my positive and negative Anubhutis with all of you. May these Anubhutis offer you some lessons and may your Sadhana gain Gati (momentum). This is my prayer unto the Almighty’s lotus feet.
In November 2005, I had gone to Bhubaneswar, Orrisa, to perform Seva pertaining to an exhibition of books authored by Shree Guru in a book fair. After the book fair, a lady seeker and I reached Puri to have a Darshan of God Jagannath. On our arrival at the bus terminus, a Pundit (priest) said, “The temple has closed now, it will re-open after two hours.” Our train was to leave at 7.00 p.m and we had to pack our luggage too. We both were disappointed that even after coming to Puri, we could not have a Darshan of the God. The Shikhar (spire) of the temple was visible from the bus terminus. I made a silent prayer to Shree Jagannath, “Despite coming here, we could not have Your Darshan. We are really sinful and ostentatious devotees”. Just then, His subtle voice came, “Come immediately, I have kept the doors of the temple open for you.” I caught hold of the lady seeker’s hand and broke into a run. Within a few moments, the Gopuram (gateway) of the temple could be seen. God Vishnu and Goddess Mahalakshmi were waving their hands to me and calling me. Catching Didi’s hand, I started running even faster and she said, “O mad girl, the temple is closed, that priest works here and these people are very punctual.” I paid no heed to her and arrived at the door of the temple huffing and puffing, just as the main gate of the temple had been closed and one person was about to close a smaller door. He gesticulated with his hands calling us inside the temple, “Hurry up, the temple is closing.” We reached the Garbha Gruha (sanctum sanctorum) of the temple without any hindrance. There was absolute peace inside. The Pujari (priest) too did not say anything. We stayed there for ten minutes, When we came out from there, the lady seeker started saying, “I have come here twice before, but I never had such an amazing Darshan, only the God, you and I.”-Tanuja Thakur

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