Simple tips to do Vastu Shudhdi


1. Plant a tulsi plant in your house .
2. Play some saints bhajan or sanskrut shloka chant done by some spiritual organisation , avoid those done by the profesionals . The vibrations emitted from these purify the negativity of the house .
3. If gaumutra of desi gay (Indian origin cow’s urine) is easily available it can be sprinkled everyday in the house . The gaumutra has immense capacity to cast off the negativity of the vastu .
4. Instead of litting agarbatti (incense sticks ) from the market get them from some spiritual organisation if it is not possible u can do the shuddhi with dhumna or dhoop . ( Just for information we have vastu shudhdi udbatti i.e. agarbatti available on the online spiritual store of sanatan sanstha on – Tanuja Thakur

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