1. Introversion : Many seekers complain that their mind does not turn inwards. To attain this, they must pay attention to prayers, chanting, personality defects and ego removal besides attempts to awaken bhav (Spiritual emotion). Regular practice of all these create impressions in the subconscious mind, which then act uninterruptedly. This is what is called ‘communion’. Once this is achieved, the foundation of introversion is firmly established. Our speech then becomes energized with Chaitanya.
2. Extroversion following consolidation of introversion : Once the foundation of introversion is established, the mind is never completely extroverted even while performing samashti sadhana, as sadhana goes on in the subconscious mind. Therefore, while performing samashti sadhana (such as conducting satsangs, satseva and spread of Spirituality) it does not happen that one drifts away from sadhana and only an activity takes place. Thus, later Priti (Spiritual love) develops.
3. Seekers who perform samashti sadhana should also plan as given ahead for streamlining their vyashti sadhana : Seekers who are in samashti sadhana should make changes in their plans so that they do not drift away from sadhana due to busy schedules.
A. Each day before going for seva and before retiring, perform vyashti sadhana for 1-2 hours. All concerned people should be informed that they should not meet or phone the seeker during this time.
B. If an activity in an outstation place requires 5 days without the concerned seeker being able to do vyashti sadhana, then it should be rescheduled in such a way that the said activity gets completed in 6-7 days with the seeker being able to complete his vyashti sadhana too. – Paratpar Guru Dr. Athavale
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