How and when do we get ensnared by a fake Master (Guru)?
If we have not practiced the science of spirituality.
If we do not possess knowledge of the subtle aspect of spirituality.
If we search for a Master (Guru) to acquire material gains.
When there is no strong foundation of spiritual practice (Sadhana).
When we try to take the support of spirituality to get rid of the problems of life with an escapist tendency
When we do not have complete faith in the Guru principle (Guru Shaastra).
A disciple gets that level of Guru which he deserves. Thus, if one wants a Master (Guru) of a high level, one must increase one’s eligibility.
When one tries to acquire a Master (Guru) looking at the number of his followers.
Please remember, we do not acquire a Master (Guru), the Master (Guru) chooses us as a disciple. -Tanuja Thakur
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