How and when do we get ensnared by a fake Master (Guru)?

  • If we have not practiced the science of spirituality.
  • If we do not possess knowledge of the subtle aspect of spirituality.
  • If we search for a Master (Guru) to acquire material gains.
  • When there is no strong foundation of spiritual practice (Sadhana).
  • When we try to take the support of spirituality to get rid of the problems of life with an escapist tendency
  • When we do not have complete faith in the Guru principle (Guru Shaastra).
  • A disciple gets that level of Guru which he deserves.  Thus, if one wants a Master (Guru) of a high level, one must increase one’s eligibility.
    When one tries to acquire a Master (Guru) looking at the number of his followers.
    Please remember, we do not acquire a Master (Guru), the Master (Guru) chooses us as a disciple. -Tanuja Thakur

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