The history of the Anglican Church that everybody should know

April 20, 2019

The Anglican Church is the parent of the Church of South India (CSI) and the Church of North India (CNI). Together, these churches and its brother churches from around the globe form the Anglican Communion.

The beheading of a mistress-turned-wife, Anne Boleyn, of King Henry VIII of England
A few months ago the Church of South India’s Bishop Thomas K Oommen wrote a scathing letter about the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) rule and claimed that life is “miserable” under the NDA rule. (1)

Obviously, the Bishop has forgotten the entire races of North American natives, Australian natives (aborigines) who were genocidally exterminated by the British White European Christians under the spiritual guidance of the Anglican Church. He has also conveniently ignored the 100 million plus famine deaths caused by the Christian British government, again under the spiritual guidance of the Anglican Church. It cannot also be forgotten that the erstwhile slavery yoked on Indian bonded (servitude) labourers and many peoples of African races were by the people belonging to and spiritually guided by the same faith.

The Bishop particularly talks about the “Dalits” in his letter. It is a fact of objective history that the Dalits as a class and community were carved out (created) of the mainstream society and made untouchables, discriminated against by the Christian British rule. (2–4)

The Britishers own data from a survey of the indigenous education in India (1822–38) show that there was near universal (that is 100 per cent) education in India till the period of the said survey. 60–84 per cent of the student population in the traditional Hindu schools from the south of India was from the now so-called Dalit communities (then recorded as Shudras and “castes below” by the British surveyors). In the north of India, this percentage was between 40 and 60. (5) When people were physically mingling with each other in Hindu schools there could have been no such discrimination or untouchability within the mainstream Hindu society. This is attested by the irrefutable logic of arithmetics of demographics (demographic collapse), population genetics and various evidence from the Hindu scriptures (from Valmiki, a hunter, to Vyasa, a son of a fisherwoman – most of them were non-Brahmins and from tribal and professional backgrounds that would now be classified as Dalits under the British system).

It is important to highlight that Vyasa who compiled the entire gamut of four Vedas, the most sacred of all Hindu scriptures, could not have done so if Bhagawan Vyasa had been discriminated against and the Vedas were not taught to him. The clinching evidence for the Chrisitan British creation of castes-by-birth is their own census records. The number of castes kept multiplying exponentially with each new census as if castes are a biological entity that can procreate.

King Henry VIII, a tyrannous monarch of England, founded (or separated) the Church of England from its parent Church, the Roman Catholic Church. It was after the Catholic Church refused to grant him a divorce or annulment of marriage with his first wife, the sister of the then powerful King of Portugal.

The act of not granting divorce by the pope was also neither a religious nor a moral act. The pope needed the support of the then most powerful monarch in Europe, the King of Portugal. Under pressure from the Portuguese king, the pope would not give into the request from the less powerful and then not so important English monarch.

Why did the king of England want a divorce? He wanted to marry one of his then mistresses Anne Boleyn. It is claimed that he later went on to make Anne’s sister also a mistress. But that marriage as well did not last long. Under false charges of an improbable affair with Anne’s own apparently homosexual brother, she was beheaded. Then the king went on to marry more women, by divorcing or beheading the previous ones. His infamy is poetically expressed as”

King Henry VIII,
To six wives he was wedded.
One died, one survived,
Two divorced, two beheaded.

Boleyn and Howard lost their heads,
Anne of Cleves he would not bed,
Jane Seymour gave him a son – but died before the week was done,
Aragon, he did divorce,
Which just left Catherine Parr, of course! (6)

The tyrannous king of England has many exclusive Wikipedia pages. Noteworthy of them is a page for the list of his wives and another for his mistresses. (7)Many would rightfully object to the discussion of the personal lives of monarchs, especially historic medieval ones while discussing the history of the Christian churches or any religion for that matter. Agreed it would be generally inappropriate to do so. However, this case is different as the tyrant king was the founder and the first head of the Church of England.

King Henry VIII founded the Church of England and proclaimed himself as the head of the Church and then gave himself a divorce. In other words, the Church of England (Anglican Communion) is no spiritual organisation or even a religious organisation in its founding. It was founded to grant the then king of England to have as many divorces as he likes. Thus, the Anglican church is not even a political organisation: it is a divorce granting rubber-stamp organisation of the English monarchy. This is the reason one still finds this modern-day anachronism in the Anglican church where the head of the state (the monarch of England) is as well the head of the church. Well, it is not really an anachronism while the UK Prime Ministers openly say it is a Christian country and the US Presidents openly declare and promote their Christian faith. Of note, many protestant Christian European nations and their monarchs have the monarch as the head of their Churches too, similar to the protestant Anglican Communion.

Foundationally thus, CSI and CNI are churches whose parent was founded not for any spiritual or a remotely religious function, or even for a political reason, but for the then monarch of England to grant himself the liberty of as many divorces as he wanted, the right to legally and openly murder (execute, behead) wives and mistresses, and go on to have more wives and mistresses.

This is the history of the English church (the Anglican Communion) and its faith, for which Bishop Oommen is so graciously batting. (8)People living in glass houses should not throw stones at others.

Source: OpIndia

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