Clarification of doubt : Saffron Robes


Q. By wearing saffron robes can one attain vairagya ?
A. Wearing the saffron attire is like getting the form for IIT Entrance Exam , the seeker has to go a long way after that, its just a check point for mind ! If saffron attire could have controlled our mind then there would have been no need of severe sadhana (spiritual practice) !! If the mind can be tuned to sadhana in the proper direction by the attitude of distinction then no saffron robe is required !
My guru’s guru His Holiness Bhaktaraj Maharaj viewpoint is very inspiring in this regard Sanyas (The real renunciation)
Question: How is it that you are not wearing saffron robes despite receiving initiation of a renunciant from the Guru?
Baba (H.H. Bhaktaraj Maharaj): Nowadays, in the initiation of the stage of a renunciant, the renunciant is first asked to acquire control over the physical body by adorning saffron robes. This is followed by control over speech, that is, by chanting the God’s Name with effort. He is unable to perform the further stage of acquiring control over the mind, hence, only his external appearence resembles a renunciant. As against this, when the Guru bestows the God’s Name, saturated with chaitanya (Divine consciousness), chanting occurs continuously; thus control over speech automatically occurs. When this occurs for sometime, the flow of thoughts ceases and there is no mind left. In other words, control over the mind, that is, dissolution occurs. Once that occurs, one is least concerned about the body. “The young renunciant fearlessly wanders about in the three
worlds”, he does not need to wear coloured robes.

There is no age to take sanyas the moment vairagya occurs one can leave everything and practice spirituality after all Brahma is satya and jagat is mithya !

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