Some of my friends ask me to work with them to eradicate unemployment, some request me to make efforts to eradicate illiteracy, some say that I should associate myself with their efforts to stop female infanticide, while some others say that I should connect with them to wipe out corruption; but our Shree Guru has taught us a very beautiful viewpoint in this regard. The root cause of all problems is lack of Dharmaacharan (abiding the code of conduct as per Vedic Dharma) at the societal and individual plane. Today, a plethora of laws have been formulated on female infanticide, dowry, terrorism, corruption etc. but there is no proof of any improvement in the situation. The root cause is Dharma Glaani (degeneration due to not abiding Dharma) and the solution is establishment of Dharma (Righteousness).- Tanuja Thakur
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