The qualities of a seeker in a child

Who is a seeker ?
The qualities of a seeker in a child
A family with who, I used to stay at times, had two daughters, a seven-year-old and a three-year-old. When I went to their house for a second time, winter had set in. Like always, I took off my slippers outside the house, to enter, when the lady seeker of the house said, “Didi, please bring the sandal inside, it is extremely cold and the floor is very cold.” I replied, “I am wearing socks, hence I can be without the sandal” and taking it off, I entered the room. Their elder daughter asked, “Why did you take off the sandal outside?” I replied, “When we come from outside, the dirt gets stuck to it, which makes the house dirty and the house to which I go is, I feel, my Shree Guru’s Ashrama, and we do not make our Ashrama impure, that is why I took off the sandal outside.” Both the daughters nodded their heads in agreement and accepted the science told by me.
After two weeks, when I went to their house again, the mother of the daughters told me, ‘Possibly even you might not know, but we ourselves came to know just yesterday that our house is the Ashrama of your Shree Guru. I asked, “What happened?” She replied, “Yesterday, one of my brothers-in-law came to our house. I was in the kitchen. Hence, he came to meet me in the kitchen with his shoes on. Even I did not pay much attention to it. He had come to extend an invitation for his sister’s wedding and left immediately after giving me the wedding card.” After his departure, your younger disciple started cleaning the house with a broom. I asked, “What are you doing? The maid has just cleaned up the entire house.” She replied, “The Ashrama of my Didi’s Guru has been rendered Apavitra (Apavitra, meaning impure). Thus, I am cleaning it. Whenever Chacha (father’s younger brother) comes the next time, I will tell him to take off the shoes outside the house.” I too was left surprised as to how easily a three-year old imbibed such an issue, mentioned so casually, within such a short span.
I will relate another incident connected to this child.
Whenever I used to have food at their house, I would fold my hands and say a prayer and both the sisters would also sit down together for lunch with us. One day, the elder sister asked, “What do you say with folded hands?” I said, “I pray to my Shree Guru that whatever you have granted, I am offering it to you, consider it to be your Prasad (holy partake). May I continue to receive the strength and devotion to perform Seva. This is my prayer unto your lotus Feet.” She replied, “From tomorrow, I too will do it.” After nearly two months, one day, the three of us were again having food at their house, when I saw that the younger sister, with her eyes tightly shut, made an earnest prayer and started eating the food. I asked her, “What prayer did you say to the God?” She replied with simplicity, “I told Bhagwan ji (God), first you eat, after that I will eat.” I could not help smiling at the emotion-filled, but simple prayer of that child and at the same time, felt surprised too. I asked their mother, “Who taught them this prayer?” She replied, “Nobody has taught her. Ever since they saw you saying a prayer with folded hands, since that very day, both the girls first pray with folded hands and then eat their food.” I asked the elder sister, “Did you teach your younger sister this prayer?” She said, “No.” I looked at the small girl and there she was, smiling innocently, a la, a little Mother Durga.
Even today, I do not forget that prayer of hers.
Photo: Scroll down to read in English :<br /><br /> साधक किसे कहते हैं ?<br /><br /> एक नन्ही सी बाल साधिकाके साधकत्त्वके लक्षण !<br /><br /> वर्ष 2002 में उत्तर प्रदेशके सुल्तानपुर जिलेमें धर्म प्रसारकी सेवा कर रही थी | जिनके घर मैं कभी कभी जाकर रहा करती थी उनकी दो बेटियां थीं, एक सात वर्षकी और एक तीन वर्षकी | जब मैं दूसरी बार उनके घर गयी तो उस समय सर्दीका मौसम था | मैं सदैव समान अपना चप्पल बाहर निकालकर अंदर आ रही थी, घरमें जो स्त्री साधक थीं उन्होंने कहा “दीदी, चप्पल अंदर ले आयें अत्यधिक ठंड है और भूमिमें भी अत्यधिक ठंडक है “| मैंने कहा, “ नहीं दीदी, हमने मोजे तो डाल ही रखे हैं “ और मैं चप्पल खोल कमरेके अंदर आ गयी | उनकी ज्येष्ठ पुत्रीने पूछा “आपने चप्पल बाहर क्यों उतारे ”? मैंने कहा “ हम बाहरसे आते हैं तो चप्पलमें बाहरकी गंदगी होती है, उससे घर अस्वच्छ हो जाता है और मैं जिस घरमें जाती हूं, वह मेरे श्रीगुरुका आश्रम है ऐसा मुझे लगता है और हम आश्रमको अपवित्र नहीं करते इसलिए चप्पल बाहर उतार दी”, दोनों बच्चोंने अच्छे बच्चे समान सिर हिलाकर मेरा बताया शास्त्र मान लिया |<br /><br /> जो दो सप्ताह पश्चात मैं उनके घर पुनः गयी तो उन बच्चियोंकी मांने बताया कि आपको संभवतः भी ज्ञात नहीं होगा परंतु हमें कल ही पता चला कि हमारा घर आपके श्रीगुरुका आश्रम है ! मैंने पूछा “ क्या हुआ ?” उनहोंने कहा, “कल हमारे एक चचेरे देवर घरपर आए थे, मैं रसोईघरमें थी अतः वे जूता पहन कर अंदर मुझसे मिलने पहुंच गए, मैंने भी उतना ध्यान नहीं दिया, वे अपनी बहनके विवाहका निमंत्रण पत्र देने आए थे और उसे देकर वे तुरंत चले गए | उनके जानेके पश्चात आपकी ‘छोटी शिष्या’ने झाड़ू उठा पूरे घर बुहारने लगी, मैंने पूछा क्या कर रही हो अभी ही नौकरानी स्वच्छता कर गयी है” | वह कहने लगी, “मेरी दीदीके गुरुका आश्रम अपवित्ल(अपवित्र) कर दिया, इसलिए उसे स्वच्छ कर रही हूं, अगली बारसे चाचा आयंगे तो उन्हे बताऊंगी घरके बाहर ही चप्पल खोले “ !! मैं भी सुनकर आश्चर्यचकित हो गयी कि मात्र तीन वर्षकी छोटी बच्चीने सहजतासे कहे हुए विषयको इतना शीघ्र आत्मसात कर लिया |<br /><br /> इसी बच्चीके संदर्भमें एक और प्रसंग बताती हूं |<br /><br /> उनके घर जब भी भोजन करती थी तो हाथ जोडकर प्रार्थना करती थी और वे दोनों बहनें भी हमारे साथ बैठा भोजन किया करती थी एक दिन उस बडी बहनने पूछा “ भोजन करनेसे पूर्व आप क्या बोलती हैं, हाथ जोडकर” | मैंने कहा “ मैं अपने परम पूज्य गुरुदेवसे प्रार्थना करती हूं कि आपको दिया हुआ आप ही को अर्पण कर प्रसाद समझ ग्रहण कर रही हूं, इससे मुझे सेवा करने हेतु शक्ति और भक्ति मिले ऐसी आपके चरणोंमें प्रार्थना है” | उसने कहा, “ मैं भी कलसे करूंगी” | लगभग दो महीनेके पश्चात एक दिन हम तीनों उन्हींके घरमें पुनः भोजन करने जा रहे थे तो मैंने देखा कि छोटीवाली बहनने आंखें भींच कर बडी तन्मयतासे प्रार्थना कर भोजन ग्रहण करना आरंभ किया | मैंने उससे पूछा “क्या प्रार्थना की भगवानजीसे “? वह अत्यंत सहजतासे बोली मैंने भगवानजीसे कहा “ पहले तुम खाओ फिर मैं खाऊंगी “ | मुझे उस बच्चीकी इस भावपूर्ण और सरल प्रार्थना सुन मुस्कुरा उठी और मुझे आश्चर्य भी हुआ, मैंने उनकी मांसे पूछा यह प्रार्थना किसने सिखाई, उन्होंने किसीने नहीं सिखायी है, आपको जिस दिनसे आंखें बंदकर प्रार्थना कर भोजन ग्रहण करते देखा है उस दिनसे दोनों बच्चियां हाथ जोडकर पहले प्रार्थना करती हैं तभी भोजन करती हैं | मैंने बडी बहनसे पूछा क्या आपने अपनी छोटी बहनको यह प्रार्थना सिखाई है, उसने कहा “ नहीं” , मैंने उसकी ओर देखा तो वह बडे प्रेमसे एक छोटीसी मां दुर्गा समान सरलतासे हंस रही थी !! मुझे उसकी वह प्रार्थना आज भी नहीं भूलती !!! </p><br /> <p>Who is a seeker ?<br /><br /> The qualities of a seeker in a child<br /><br /> A family with who, I used to stay at times, had two daughters, a seven-year-old and a three-year-old. When I went to their house for a second time, winter had set in. Like always, I took off my slippers outside the house, to enter, when the lady seeker of the house said, “Didi, please bring the sandal inside, it is extremely cold and the floor is very cold.” I replied, “I am wearing socks, hence I can be without the sandal” and taking it off, I entered the room. Their elder daughter asked, “Why did you take off the sandal outside?” I replied, “When we come from outside, the dirt gets stuck to it, which makes the house dirty and the house to which I go is, I feel, my Shree Guru’s Ashrama, and we do not make our Ashrama impure, that is why I took off the sandal outside.” Both the daughters nodded their heads in agreement and accepted the science told by me.<br /><br /> After two weeks, when I went to their house again, the mother of the daughters told me, ‘Possibly even you might not know, but we ourselves came to know just yesterday that our house is the Ashrama of your Shree Guru. I asked, “What happened?” She replied, “Yesterday, one of my brothers-in-law came to our house. I was in the kitchen. Hence, he came to meet me in the kitchen with his shoes on. Even I did not pay much attention to it. He had come to extend an invitation for his sister’s wedding and left immediately after giving me the wedding card.” After his departure, your younger disciple started cleaning the house with a broom. I asked, “What are you doing? The maid has just cleaned up the entire house.” She replied, “The Ashrama of my Didi’s Guru has been rendered Apavitra (Apavitra, meaning impure). Thus, I am cleaning it. Whenever Chacha (father’s younger brother) comes the next time, I will tell him to take off the shoes outside the house.” I too was left surprised as to how easily a three-year old imbibed such an issue, mentioned so casually, within such a short span.<br /><br /> I will relate another incident connected to this child.<br /><br /> Whenever I used to have food at their house, I would fold my hands and say a prayer and both the sisters would also sit down together for lunch with us. One day, the elder sister asked, “What do you say with folded hands?” I said, “I pray to my Shree Guru that whatever you have granted, I am offering it to you, consider it to be your Prasad (holy partake). May I continue to receive the strength and devotion to perform Seva. This is my prayer unto your lotus Feet.” She replied, “From tomorrow, I too will do it.” After nearly two months, one day, the three of us were again having food at their house, when I saw that the younger sister, with her eyes tightly shut, made an earnest prayer and started eating the food. I asked her, “What prayer did you say to the God?” She replied with simplicity, “I told Bhagwan ji (God), first you eat, after that I will eat.” I could not help smiling at the emotion-filled, but simple prayer of that child and at the same time, felt surprised too. I asked their mother, “Who taught them this prayer?” She replied, “Nobody has taught her. Ever since they saw you saying a prayer with folded hands, since that very day, both the girls first pray with folded hands and then eat their food.” I asked the elder sister, “Did you teach your younger sister this prayer?” She said, “No.” I looked at the small girl and there she was, smiling innocently, a la, a little Mother Durga.<br /><br /> Even today, I do not forget that prayer of hers.

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