Karma-kānḍ is nothing but the highest level experiments which transcend the present day science !

Karma-kānḍ is nothing but the highest level experiments which transcend the present day science !

Certain rituals advised by Hindu Dharma during the period between birth and death such as marriage ceremony, Vāstū-shānti (a ritual performed to remove spiritual obstacles and purify a premises) and the Shraddha rites (rituals performed till 13th day of death or on the death anniversary according to Hindu Almanac to appease departed ancestors’ subtle bodies) performed after death are all complementary for God realisation. Certain systems of worship like puja (ritualistic worship), Yadnya-Yag (rituals of sacrificial fires) directly contribute to God realisation. Does any of the experiments in science lead to God realisation ? –  Paratpar Guru Dr. Jayant  Athavale

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