Immersion of Puja material in water



Till now, from what I have seen around me and the house, material for Havan (religious ceremony) and Puja, statues etc are immersed in water.  Is it proper, what are its benefits?   Will water not get polluted by doing so?  Please guide me.–  Thakur Vikas  Singh, Delhi


Nirmaalya, meaning stale, or already offered material for Pujan, should be immersed in running water after Puja is performed, is approved by scriptures.  In all cases, after performing Panchopchar , or Shodashopchar, due to divinity being awakened, Chaitanya (divine energy) gets created and once Pujan (worship) is completed, Chaitanya continues to be present in them till the next day; hence, it is improper to put them anywhere else. By immersing them in running water, the Chaitanya gets absorbed in the water and merges with the ocean.  Again, when the same water rises up as water vapour and reaches us again in the form of rain, Chaitanya reaches us in dilute form along with rainwater and when we used that water, we get energy. If running water is not available, all these things can be put in a pond, or a well, no longer in use.

Such Pujan material, or statue made from clay, which is made of natural colours, immersing it in water does not pollute water; but if we cannot find running water, we must give them a land Samadhi, if this is not possible, particularly Nirmaaly material can also be given Agni samadhi.

Today’s  so called intellectuals have spread an illusion that immersing Nirmaalya and clay statues in water pollutes the water, they only see external pollution, they cannot see the inherent Chaitanya, thus they make a noise that immersing the material related to Pujan pollutes the water.  While immersing Nirmaalya, or immersing the statues, one must remember that polythene bags or other such material that does not get dissolved in water, should not be put into the water.

According to our scriptures, statues too must be about 6-8 feet and our rivers have not been polluted by such Saatvik (pure) material, but unnecessary industrial remains that is put into the water has polluted the rivers.


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