Those who clamour for pleasures do not experience peace, but experience restlessness.

Aapooryamaanam achalapratishtham
Samudramaapah pravishanti yadwat;
Tadwat kaamaa yam pravishanti sarve
Sa shaantimaapnoti na kaamakaami.
Meaning: He attains peace, into whom all desires enter as waters enter the ocean, which, filled from all sides, remains unmoved; but not the man who is full of desires.

Implied Meaning : A Purush (person) whose intellect becomes stable in Atm-Tattva (Absolute Being) in such a person desires cannot arise. Such a person maintains a sense of equanimity, just as an already full ocean remains stable, even after receiving water from various tributaries of a river. A person who is in the least affected, despite being surrounded by pleasures, experiences the next level of spirituality that is peace.
In spirituality, the saints experience the Shakti related vibration in the first stage followed by the bliss state and ultimately experiences the stillness or peace or shanti stage. Such a Jivatma (embodied soul) experiences eternal peace after leaving the physical form, which is the highest rung in spirituality. Those who clamour for pleasures do not experience peace, but experience restlessness.

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