March 22, 2021
Hindu residents of Harijan Basti at Sarai Kale Khan, Delhi were attacked on Saturday night by a Muslim mob following an interfaith marriage between a Hindu man and a Muslim woman. OpIndia reached the spot to report on the matter.
The victims told us that the mob attacked them with swords and knives and sticks. Attempts were also made to set houses on fire. “They were taking out petrol, someone noticed them and threw something at them after which they fled,” one of the victims told us.
The rioters also entered the houses of Hindus to attack them, they said. All the members of one particular family were injured. Two women told us that they were lucky because they happened to be awake and therefore, could take prompt action to save themselves. Many others were not. We were told that the rioters also pulled one of the women by her hair.
Hindus told us that the mob hurled deeply offensive casteist slurs against them during the episode. They said that casteist slurs such as ‘Bh*ngi’ were used to insult the Dalit community. The residents are now demanding justice for the insults that were poured on them.
Furthermore, one resident told us that a woman called Sabina had threatened Hindus with ‘Khoon ki Holi’ and further assault. According to the women, Sabina came with a full group of Muslim men. The victims demand that action be taken against the woman and all the rioters responsible for the episode.
The victims have not left their homes to work fearing for the safety and security of their children. They say that their kids were also beaten. They say that there is pervasive fear among the Hindus of the area following the incident.
As we had reported earlier, the victims told us that the rioters picked up stones from the construction site near the Masjid in the area. Furthermore, the Police cleared the area of the debris so that the media could not see it when journalists reached the spot.
According to reports, the Muslim mob attacked Hindu homes because a Muslim woman had decided to marry a Hindu man.
The two had gotten married in secret but soon after, the girl’s family fixed her marriage with someone else. Therefore, the girl went to the local police station to record her statement and subsequently, left with the Hindu man.
It is reported that the couple and the parents have left the area to go live with their relatives elsewhere. Incensed by the marriage, the mob decided to attack the Hindu houses at Sarai Kale Khan.
Source :Opindia
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