The Bijnor police have arrested four Muslim youths after they brutally gunned down one youth named Rachit Jat, son of Bablu Jat, in Bijnor’s Jhalu town in Western Uttar Pradesh in broad daylight in full public view. While the four accused namely Shadab, Sariq, Shahbaz, Shehzad, all residents of Mohalla Pirzadgan in Jhalu town were arrested along with their murder weapons, one of them named Iqbal managed to flee.
Speaking to the media, police said that they have expedited the investigation in the case and are in the lookout for the fifth accused. Police further said that soon a charge sheet will be filed and the stringent National Security Act will be invoked in the case, after which the accused would be tried in a fast track court. The police assured that all possible steps are being taken to make sure that the culprits are brought to book.
According to the police, the accused fired at least 13 rounds with country pistols killing Rachit Jat on the spot. The police have said that the preliminary investigation suggests that the incident was a fallout of an old enmity. In the video given below, the attackers can be seen giving the count of bullets fired by them at Rachit.
The four Muslim youths arrested confess of firing 13 rounds killing Rachit Jat in a cold blooded murder
How five Muslim youths killed the Jat youth in full public view on the streets of Jhalu, Uttar Pradesh
In what transpired, Rachit Jat, a resident of Seohara Girdhar, a small hamlet in Jhalu block in Bijnor District of Uttar Pradesh, went shopping in Jhalu on Friday. He was standing near an umbrella shop when the five Muslim youths accosted him and started indiscriminately firing at him. Rachit ran for his life. He hurriedly went into a shop which stood 50 metres away from the umbrella shop. The accused followed him and gunned him down. Rachit died on the spot.
Shockingly, reports suggest that the accused not only shot at Rachit in full public view, after murdering the youth, they allegedly sat at a local cigarette shop, joked and smoked cigarettes while Rachit lay in a pool of blood in a nearby shop where he ran to take shelter before being brutally gunned down. In fact, after killing Rachit, the Muslim youths reportedly threatened the locals gathered at the market place not to testify before the police.
The accused seen smoking cigarettes after killing Rachit Jat
They warned the people of the Jat community that if they wanted to live in the area they would have to bow down to the Muslims living there, and fired in the air.
In fact, in a video which has been widely shared on the microblogging site Twitter, one the accused, while being taken away on a bike by the police, shouts out to someone: ‘Make sure our video comes on YouTube’.
The killers in police custody
Netizens slam Rakesh Taikat, who has been talking about Jat-Muslim unity, for not condemning the brutal attack on a Jat by Muslim youths
Here, it becomes imperative to mention that the area where this cold-blooded murder of a Jat youth at the hands of five Muslim men took place in the same region in Uttar Pradesh from where self-declared farmer leader Rakesh Tikait has been trying to draw support for his protest against the agricultural reforms by evoking a narrative of Jat and Muslim brotherhood.
After the incident, netizens have now been questioning Rakesh Tikait and the members of the union, which have for all this while been hailing the Jat-Muslim unity, as to how then Muslim youths in the area could effectuate such a barbaric act on a Jay boy. They have also slamed Taikat for not speaking a word of condemnation against the youths who brutally killed the Jat youth.
Jat community in Jhalu, Uttar Pradesh demand strict action against the accused
After Bijnor police received information about the incident, SP Dr Dharmveer Singh, CO City Kuldeep Gupta and Inspector-in-Charge reached the spot along with the police force. The police rounded up 4 accused, while the fifth escaped.
The whole town and market area is in terror after this brazen murder. Members of the Jat community, who were infuriated at the cold blooded murder of a member of their community, along with other locals, gathered outside the police station in Bijnor demanding stringent action against Rachit’s murderers.
Source : Vedic Upasana Peeth
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